How to write a follow-up email after the interview |What to say and how to say it


The wait for the recruiter’s response after an interview can be as nerve-wracking as the interview itself. In these times, it can often be challenging to discern what steps to take to follow up with the recruiting company. You do not want to seem desperate in asking about the status of your recruitment process. On the other hand, receiving a concrete answer is of the utmost importance. Landing the job you want requires a particular zeal on your end, which is what recruiters look for in applicants, especially after the initial interview. One of the best ways to display your enthusiasm is by writing a follow-up email to the recruiter. However, it is essential to understand why this step is crucial.


Why should you write a follow-up email in the first place?

During the interview, the recruiter can roughly discern your skills, qualities, and work conduct as a potential firm employee. However, post the interview process, most recruiters look for candidates who can reiterate their interest in the position. Most candidates make the pitfall of skipping writing the follow-up email. However, one email is enough to benefit your application in multiple ways. This shows the recruiter that you are appreciative and thankful as an individual and makes you stand out from the plethora of other candidates, especially as someone who adds value to the company as a future employee.


The right time?

Time plays a crucial factor in sending a follow-up email. You don’t want to send it too early or too late. Don’t wait for too long until after the interview to send the follow-up email. Waiting for 2 to 3 days before sending your email is ideal. Time is of the essence, and waiting for too long may cost you the position.


Here’s what to avoid in a follow-up email:

Follow-up emails should be concise and well elucidated in a manner where you don’t beat around the bush too much. Avoid unnecessary pleasantries or overly exaggerated terms of gratitude, as this may make the email sound too informal and sloppy. The email shouldn’t be too long as the recruiters don’t have time to go through the entirety of the email. Remember, the main goal here is to be appreciative of the received opportunity and reinvigorate your enthusiasm as a candidate for a particular post.


A step-by-step guide to writing a follow-up email that will undoubtedly impress your recruiter: 

  1. Set the tone/voice:

It is of utmost importance to keep the tone of your email as professional as possible. You do not want to sound overly courteous or highly curt. Striking a good balance between being thankful for the opportunity and briskly inquiring about the progress in the recruitment process is very important. Avoid small talk and get on with the purpose of the email. Using phrases like “extremely thankful for this opportunity” and “it would be helpful if I could get an update on the recruitment process.” will help you get your point across.


  1. Always add a subject line:

A subject line makes it easy for the recruiter to spot and filter out your email in a sea of other emails. It makes identifying a candidate less exhaustive and opens doors for making a lasting impression on the recruiter. The subject line can vary depending on your interactions with the recruiter. Ideally, in a follow-up email after a one-time interview, the subject line should include your name and the interview date with the position you applied for.

For instance: Dhruv Arora – Follow up regarding interview on 25th July – for business analyst

In case you have had multiple rounds of interviews and are more familiar with the recruiters, including a note of gratitude can go a long way. Here are a few examples:

  • Thank you for the opportunity
  • I greatly appreciate your advice and time
  • Brilliant speaking with you today


  1. Starting – Introduction:

Recruiters highly appreciate a mention of gratitude from the candidates. Always start by being grateful to the recruiter for the offered role and opportunity. Remember to mention your name, the position you applied for, and the date your interview was conducted.


  1. The body – reinforcing your enthusiasm:

In this section, it is important to reiterate your interests in the company, especially the position you are applying for. It is also helpful to explain why and how you would be an asset to the company, reinforcing why you stand out from the crowd of other candidates. You can also bring back a point of mention from the interview where you might have impacted the recruiter. These can be mentioned by stating “…as we had discussed earlier.”. It is essential to condense this information into a crisp body of content that gets the point across efficiently.


  1. The Conclusion:

It always creates a lasting impression when a candidate concludes by inviting the recruiters to ask any additional questions. Mention that you are willing and ready to provide any extra credentials or documents the recruiter requires. Optionally, you could end with another thank you and, as a definitive conclusion, apologize for any inconvenience caused. This makes for a cordial impression.


  1. Final Signature:

End with a final signature of “kind regards” or “sincerely”. Do not forget to add your full name and contact information.


  1. Reviewing your email:

Always go back and re-read your email. Check for any spelling or grammatical inconsistencies that may hamper your impression. Once you are satisfied with everything, click send!

Here is an example of a sample follow-up letter:

Subject: Ria Shah – Follow up regarding interview on 23rd March – for operations manager

Dear Mr./Ms.(last name of the recruiter),

I am incredibly grateful that I was able to speak with you on (date) regarding the role of (the job position) for (name of the company).


I am extremely excited to join XYZ company in a (job position). As per our earlier discussion, I am convinced this position is the perfect opportunity for me at this stage in my career. Additionally, I believe my skill set and experience will help the company achieve its goal of (company goal). I am enthusiastic about the prospect of taking on the role of (job position) and widening and further sharpening my skill set at a reputed company like XYZ.

It would be great if I could get any updates on the recruitment process. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to ask further questions or for any additional documentation. I apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you once again.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Kind Regards,

Ria Shah,

123 – 456 – 7890

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