When it comes to your job search, knowing the basic interview “do’s” and “don’ts” can go a long way. Unfortunately, many of these golden rules are frequently disregarded!
This list of the interview “do’s” and “don’ts” will help you walk into the room feeling confident that you’re putting your best foot forward.
Interview Tips
Ready to demonstrate your abilities and make an impression during your job interview? That cannot be accomplished by simply showing up and hoping for the best. Here is the most important job interview “do’s” to ensure a smooth interview and increase your chances of getting a job offer.
Do Your Research
Always be well-prepared for interviews. You can’t expect to ace an interview if you don’t know anything about the company or the position. Conduct thorough research before the interview.
Understanding what the company does, what it stands for, and what type of applicant the hiring manager is looking for will go a long way toward ensuring a successful interview. It assists you in determining whether or not the job is one you truly desire. But more importantly, it gives you the insight to shape your answer, ask questions in return, and make it sound like you know what you’re talking about.
Make a Great First Impression
This interview “do” is inclusive. The ultimate goal is to make an indelible impression. During the hiring process, your interviewer will most likely speak with several people. You want to be noticed!
There are several approaches you can take (we’ll go over them all shortly).
Being personable, on the other hand, is the best way to stand out. Before the big day, practice your interview questions and become comfortable speaking about yourself. Make every effort to leave your nerves at the door and concentrate on being confident and having a good conversation.
Always listen to the interviewer. Once again, that sounds simple enough. But so many people are flustered with nerves that they forget to listen actively.
Unfortunately, it shows. Not listening will result in a sloppy answer that doesn’t provide the information that the interviewer is looking to get. Keep your ears open and listen to every question that comes your way.
Get The Details
Job interviews are an excellent opportunity to ask your questions. During your research, you may find it difficult to obtain clear answers on important job details. This is your opportunity to ask them!
Get a handle on the minor details. During this conversation, you can, for example, inquire about work culture, job advancement opportunities, and anything else that interests you.
Inquiring can leave a lasting impression. They demonstrate that you are sincerely interested in the company and position. Furthermore, it keeps the conversation going and makes you more memorable.
Mention What Sets You Apart
The best thing you can do during an interview explains what sets you apart from other candidates. That doesn’t mean you should ramble or dominate the conversation. The trick is to incorporate those explanations into your responses.
You can, for example, use your responses to discuss your strengths and how they will benefit your work in this position. You can also use personality-based questions to discuss what makes you unique.
This job interview “do” is all about demonstrating that you’re the ideal candidate and a cut above the competition.
Ask Great Questions
We already mentioned that asking questions is beneficial. But don’t just ask broad questions. Think outside the box and ask unusual interview questions that the interviewer is unlikely to hear.
You can inquire about work culture, the interviewer’s previous experience with the company, or even recent events that have an impact on the entire organization. It’s all about making that connection and demonstrating your genuine interest in working with the company.
Dress Appropriately
“Dress for success,” as the saying goes. Take that adage to heart when you go in for an interview! Most people underestimate the importance of how you dress. It is the interviewer’s first impression of you, and it occurs before you say anything.
Overdressing and underdressing are delicately balanced. You don’t want to be too casual, but you also don’t want to wear a three-piece suit unless the job requires it.
During your research, one good tip is to look into the company culture. Look for photos and consider speaking with current employees about the dress code. Use that information as a starting point, and then take it a step further to add a little polish to your aesthetics.
Act Calm & Confident
Here’s an interview “do” that will be difficult for many applicants. Given what’s at stake, it’s easy to let your nerves take over. Interviews are important because they can influence your future. However, do everything in your power to remain calm.
Hiring managers typically do not want to hire someone who appears to be easily shaken. They are looking for people who can go to work and get things done!
Prepare your responses ahead of time and relax a little during your interview. You may be trembling internally, but don’t let it show in your demeanor or how you speak.
Interview Don’ts
The interview “do’s” are important, but you should also avoid common blunders. The following job interview “don’ts” may leave your interviewer cold. Committing these cardinal interview sins can harm your chances of getting hired and even kill your chances entirely.
Don’t Be Late
There are few things worse than being late for an interview. Punctuality is essential in any workplace. Arriving even a few minutes late does not make a good first impression.
It’s a red flag that makes interviewers wonder if you get the job, you’ll be late all the time. Furthermore, it gives the impression that you are not taking things seriously.
Do everything you’re supposed to do before your interview, such as setting multiple alarms and getting plenty of rest. Consider driving to the interview location the day before as well. Know how to get there, observe traffic patterns, and devise a parking strategy.
Several things can go wrong on interview day, so it’s best to prepare for every worst-case scenario.
Don’t Lie
The desire to lie can be overwhelming when you’re in the heat of the moment. What’s the worst that could happen?
Resist the urge to embellish the truth! Before making an offer, hiring managers will conduct their due diligence. Many will contact previous employers and may even inquire about something you said during the interview.
The truth is always revealed. Lying will almost always get you in trouble. It will not only hurt your chances of getting the job, but it will also harm your reputation. Word spreads quickly, and you may miss out on opportunities you were unaware of.
Don’t Bash Your Previous Employers
Many job-seekers go into interviews thinking it’s alright to bash former employees. But it doesn’t matter if you’re going to your old employer’s biggest rival or an entirely different industry. Speaking badly about your old boss or company is a big interview “don’t” that you should avoid.
Here’s why:
Hiring managers want to see the enthusiasm. Concentrating on the negative will only make you feel down and pessimistic (which are traits that nobody wants in a coworker). But that isn’t all.
What’s to stop you from speaking negatively about your former employer in the future if you’re already doing so? A hiring manager will think twice about negative applicants because they know they’ll do the same to them if they look for work elsewhere.
Do yourself a favor and concentrate on the positive. You can bring up negative experiences, but choose your words and attitude carefully.
Don’t Brush Off Your Weaknesses
During an interview, you are expected to discuss your strengths. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore your flaws. Be forthright about them (if they arise) and address them head-on.
Interviewers will appreciate your candor. You can emphasize how you’ve changed and what you’ve done to improve your weaknesses. It could be a negative experience, an old termination in your work history, a gap in your skill set, or something else.
Whatever the case may be, find a way to address it while maintaining a positive attitude. This is your chance to address any potential negative consequences of those weaknesses before they affect your chances of getting a job offer.
Don’t Dominate the Conversation
Interpersonal skills are an asset in any job. However, if you dominate the conversation and speak over the interviewer, you are demonstrating poor interpersonal skills.
Remember that this is a discussion and to be respectful. It’s not like you’re the only one with a microphone. Time is needed for the interviewer to respond, ask follow-up questions, and make comments. It’s a two-way street that must be allowed to breathe.
Don’t interrupt or try to be the last one to speak. Allow the conversation to flow naturally as you listen to the interview.
Don’t Let a Bad Past Interview Hinder Your Current One
Many people have heard horror stories about job interviews. You may have some that make you cringe every time you think about them. However, you should not let your traumatic past experiences define you now.
Consider each interview an opportunity to learn and grow. Use your previous failures to make positive changes for your next interview. It’s easy to be scared or anxious about how things will turn out.
However, never let them stop you from furthering your career. Take some time to reflect, figure out what went wrong, and make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Don’t Inquire About Other Applicants
You might be interested in learning more about other applicants. For example, everyone is interested in the types of people who come in for interviews. You might even be curious about your chances after meeting with the hiring manager or interviewer.
In any case, don’t inquire about other applicants. It comes across as tacky and a little desperate. The interviewer is in the midst of a lengthy hiring procedure. They’re speaking with a lot of people, and they’ll handle the process.
Let them do their thing and focus on your own experiences.
Don’t Chew Gum
Does this interview require an explanation? Chewing gum is strictly prohibited. You can freshen your breath by chewing gum or using a mint before entering. But make sure you throw it out before you get to the interview!
Chewing gum can come across as childish and unprofessional. Nobody wants to see gum bouncing around in your mouth while you’re talking!
While we’re at it, don’t bring any food or water. The interview is a professional meeting. Slurping water or chewing food can be distracting to the interviewer. You may accept a drink if one is offered to you.
Don’t Be Overly Modest
Finally, check your obvious modesty at the door.
Being humble and gracious is always beneficial. However, this is a job interview, and you should spend time discussing your strengths. Interviewers want to know what you have to offer and how confident you are.
There is a distinction to be made between confidence and arrogance. You should be fine as long as you avoid boastful language. Keep to the facts.
It’s time for you to shine and put your best foot forward. Don’t squander it by trying to be overly modest. You can be confident while still maintaining a professional and respectful demeanor.
Now that you’re familiar with the “do’s” and “don’ts” of job interviews, it’s time to put them into practice.
Make changes, prepare, and don’t shoot yourself in the foot, and you’ll have a good chance of landing the job you want!